ShawChicago concludes its 2016/17 season, Dysfunctional Family Fun, with George Bernard Shaw's World War I dramedy Heartbreak House. In a Chekovian Fantasia style, Shaw presents a caricature of the 1910s British upper class obsession with propriety. "[Essentially] the upper class who should be the ruling class fiddles while the country falls apart," says Artistic Director Robert Scogin. This production runs March 4 through March 27 at the Ruth Page Center for the Arts, 1016 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60610.
Welcome to the Heartbreak House, where everyone is the least bit concerned that there is a war going on. Boss Mangan, a cold businessman, will marry Ellie Dunn, despite being her father's age. Ellie Dunn concedes because she's tired of being poor, but may (or may not) be in love with Hector Hushabye, who is married to Hesione. Hesione is more than happy to oblige Ellie, since her husband is such a liar. Lady Utterword, Hesione's sister, has returned after 23 years; little does she know that her brother-in-law, Randall, is in romantic pursuit. Captain Shotover, Hesione's and Lady Utterword's father, just wants a bottle of rum. Just outside their window, a strange man breaks in, only to ask for charity. At an unofficial house party, with so much unrequited love, desire is rampant and pettiness is guaranteed. But even with the whole world burning, only witty humor can forge any sort of happy ending for these lasting characters.TICKETS: $35.00 General, $30.00 Senior Citizen, $20.00 Students. Group rates available. Tickets may be purchased at or over the phone at 312-587-7390.