Belfast. The Troubles. But not the kind you think.
Seanachai Theatre Company continues its tradition of Irish storytelling with Scenes from the Big Picture. (Storefront Theatre, August 28-October 5, 2008.)Playwright Owen McCafferty smashes the "big picture" into vivid snapshots of intimate groups of people. Moving from shops to pubs to life on the street, the play masterfully weaves together the lives of 20 characters in 40 scenes into a single day of contemporary Belfast life. Originally presented by London's Royal National Theatre in 2003, this production makes its Midwest premiere under the splendid direction of Scott Cummins.Scenes beckons both old friends and new faces to the Seanachai stage.SCENES FROM THE BIG PICTURE
August 28-October 5, 2008, Storefront Theater,
66 E. Randolph St. (between Wabash and Michigan)
Box Office 1-312-742-TIXS (8497)