There's always a chance that when you open yourself up and expose your foibles to another, that there's the risk becoming vulnerable and being laughed at. This seems to suit Scott Rose just fine.
Scott's one-man show at the Improv Olympics, Computer Geek: One Nerd's Search for a Soulmate creates a constant laugh track from start to finish. This self-authored piece taps into the awkward moments that we've all experienced as we try to approach that special girl we develop a crush on and the myriad of mistakes that we make as novice Casanovas.
The audience journeys with Scott as they realize that they too have been down these same roads. They laugh, they groan, they squirm in their seats as they relive their own dating disasters and realize that these woes are more universal than they thought.
Scott is a master storyteller who never lets the telling of his adventures lose pace. This likeable guy who is every man, craftily moves about the stage, engaging audience members while sharing the ironies of his dating experience.
Most people may not realize going into the show that Scott is truly in search of his real life soulmate. Through his methodical approach, Scott lets the audience know what is important to him in a mate and proclaims that he is on a quest. There is a great hope generated among the audience members in knowing that she could appear at anytime: during the show, after the show or at the Apple store where Scott spends time teaching others about the joys of Macintosh computers.
When a pretty young woman stands up to help Scott with one of his magic tricks on stage you find yourself wondering, " Could she be the one?" And just like being at a good baseball game you're rooting for the home team to score.
Hear Scott's podcast at