In some downtime from CANDIDE rehearsal, Lauren Molina and Joey Stone do their own folk pop rendition of CANDIDE'S "Easily Assimilated" on the ukulele.
Molina says "We quickly caught our groove and continued to rewrite many more of Bernstein's selections from CANDIDE, including "Oh Happy We", "We are Women", and of course "Glitter and Be Gay" with me playing the cello and singing. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will post various remixed CANDIDE songs to make you smile, sway, and dance.
They will be performing some of our selections at a Petterino's upcoming event:
Cast members will perform music from the show Oct. 4 at 7:30 PM as part of the "Monday Night Live" series at Petterino's (150 North Dearborn Street), a restaurant in the heart of Chicago's theatre district. A $15 minimum is required; reservations are recommended. Call (312) 422-0150