Nellie, played radiantly by Angela Ingersoll, is a spunky nurse from Little Rock, who falls in love with a mature French planter named Emile, played convincingly by Larry Adams. Nellie learns that the mother of his children was an island native and, unable to turn her back on the prejudices with which she was raised, refuses Emile's proposal of marriage. Meanwhile, the strapping Lt. Joe Cable, played by Stan Q. Wash, denies himself the fulfillment of a future with an innocent Tonkinese girl with whom he's fallen in love out of the same fears that haunt Nellie.
The chemistry between Ingersoll and Adams was effective and helped make the entire show believable. It was Ingersoll's portrayal of Nellie, however, that stole the show. Her charm on stage was infectious and you couldn't help but watch every little thing she did. From the silly scene of her washing her hair, to the tender moments toward the end of the show, Ingersoll is a brilliant actress.
Director/Choreographer Rudy Hogeniller did a very nice job of covering the long scene changes with staging action in front of the curtain and his vision helped make the production "a hundred and one pounds of fun."
110 in the Shade (Aug. 19-27)
The Decline & Fall of the Entire World Seen Through the Eyes of Cole Porter (Oct. 1 - Nov. 5)
The Mikado (Dec. 26 - 31)