Amazing Sammo Productions opens its 2015 season at Gorilla Tango Theatre, in Bucktown, with its third Sam and Mickey sketch comedy show: Sam & Mickey Are Friends: Community Service. Join veteran Chicago performers Sam Radom & Mickey Bravo once again with puppets, singing, dancing and all around comic mayhem. This time around Sam and Mickey are being audited by the Association of Stage Standards and being forced to be nice to people or be forced to do Community Service in order to keep their theater. A great supporting cast of seasoned comedy and improv actors join them their third madcap adventure.
Performing Saturdays June 13th, 20th & 27th at 7:00pm and Sundays, June 14th and 28th at 2pm. at the Gorilla Tango Theatre in Bucktown, 1919 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647. Tickets are $15; to purchase tickets call 773-598-4549 or visit and
Also starring returning cast members Jason Fura, Mark Olson, with puppet performer Leah Martin and featuring new talent of Sarah Albritton, Alison Smith, Jewelle Crane and Ben Vogt.
Gorilla Tango Theatre (GTT) is a year-round theatrical venue where audiences of all ages can consistently go to see a wide variety of talented artists. GTT exists to provide artists with an opportunity to produce their work in professional environment. GTT offers a variety of affordable beer and wine for purchase. Consult the website for rating information, tickets, and details.