Uma Productions will present the Chicago premiere of Orange Lemon Egg Canary, by Obie Award-winning playwright Rinne Groff (The Ruby Sunrise, Inky, Jimmy Carter was a Democrat). Orange Lemon Egg Canary stars Uma company members Anne Adams and Stephanie Jacobs and artistic associate Elaine Robinson, with Laura Hooper, Brian Petsos, Vincent Teninty, and Dennis Watkins.
Press notes describe the show as, "a magical exploration of the cheap tricks, smoke and mirrors and bonds of faith in modern romance. Great, a renegade magician with a mysterious legacy finds more than meets the eye in his sexy new assistant Trilby, who pursues him for the truth of his past and the truth behind his tricks. This funny, quirky modern love story has plenty of disappearing coins, floating objects, and the infamously dangerous and thrilling "chick-on-a-stick." Not to mention a lovely assistant who talks a lot for being a dead woman – all experienced amid one of Uma's fantastical 'umavironments.'"
Uma Productions Artistic Director Mikhael Tara Garver will direct the show, leading a creative team that includes artistic associate Brian Sidney Bembridge (scenic design), artistic associate Scotty Iseri (sound design), Aly Greaves (costume design), Ben Wilhelm (lighting design), Jeniffer Thusing (props design) and Dennis Watkins (magic design).