PlayMakers Laboratory celebrates Pride Month in Chicago with That's Queer, Grandma, a hilarious romp through student-written stories that at the heart are centered on inclusivity, equality and what it means to be authentic.
Directed by Artistic Director Brandon Cloyd, the two night only event will play Monday, June 22 & Monday, June 29, 2020 at 8 pm at the Neo-Futurist Theater, 5153 N. Ashland Ave. in Chicago. Tickets go on sale Friday, May 22, 2020 at or by calling (773) 506-7140.
Now in its 19th year, THAT'S WEIRD, GRANDMA features adaptations of stories written during PlayMakers Laboratory's creative writing residencies in Chicago elementary schools. PML's ensemble of professional actors, comedians and musicians bring the young authors' stories to life as raucous sketches, songs and movement pieces, performing first for students in their schools and then for the public.
These stories - from hilarious dialogues between unlikely characters to poignant pleas for social change - resonate with adults while celebrating the imaginations of young people. Every week brings a new line-up of stories, and PML invites audiences to vote on their favorites at each performance.