Steppenwolf for Young Adults presents the Midwest premiere of Samuel J. and K. by Mat Smart, directed by Ron OJ Parson. The production, featuring Cliff Chamberlain and Samuel G. Roberson, Jr., runs February 22 - March 13, 2011 in Steppenwolf's Upstairs Theatre, 1650 N. Halsted St. Weekday matinees (Tuesdays - Fridays) are reserved for school groups only, with weekend performances (Saturday and Sunday) available to the public. The press performance is Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 11 am.
Set in modern-day suburban Chicago, Samuel J. and K. follows the path of two brothers - one black and one white. In honor of Samuel K.'s college graduation, Samuel J. surprises his adopted brother with two round-trip tickets to his birthplace in Africa to explore his roots. As the brothers set out on a life changing journey, they confront long-buried issues of identity, race and family secrets.
Cliff Chamberlain and Samuel G. Roberson, Jr.
Cliff Chamberlain and Samuel G. Roberson, Jr.
Cliff Chamberlain and Samuel G. Roberson, Jr.