Rising action theater presents The Sum of Us by David Stevens, runs April 22 - May 30 on Thurs, Fri, Sat at 8pm and Sun at 7pm.
SHOW only - $35.00
SHOW and Primavera DINNER - $60.00
Use discount code earlybird and save $5.00 on new orders placed through April 25 for any show*
* Discount code not valid for low price preview Thursday, April 22nd ($25/$50)
"The Sum of Us" is directed by Steven A. Chambers, who directed "The Normal Heart" for The Public Theatre. Our production stars John McGlothlin, who received amazing acclaim for our production of "Bent", and also features Ned Cray, Ricardo Rodriguez and Linda Ellis.
Tickets are available at www.risingactiontheatre.com or by calling 1 800-595-4849.