Lifeline Theatre continues its 26th anniversary MainStage season with the world premiere adaptation of Ron Hansen's contemporary bestseller "Mariette in Ecstasy," adapted by Lifeline ensemble member Christina Calvit, directed by Lifeline ensemble member Elise Kauzlaric. The Sisters of the Crucifixion live quiet lives of prayer and devotion until the intriguing Mariette is initiated into their cloister. When she experiences what may be a truly divine encounter, their unity is shattered into conflicting fragments of acceptance, envy, idolatry and fear, challenging the sisters' faith and the future of their sheltered existence. Written in 1991, this hit book scrutinizes the politics of community, as it awakens the desire in all of us to find a deeper meaning in our everyday lives. The show runs approximately one hour and 45 minutes, and copies of the book will be on sale in the lobby.
Book author Hansen will be at Lifeline on Saturday, March 14, to sign books from 7-8 p.m., as well as participate in the post-show discussion from about 9:45-10:30 p.m.
Click here for more information.
Photo by Suzanne Plunkett
Mariette Baptiste (Brenda Barrie, left, white nightgown) seeks ecstasy while praying to a crucifix
Reverend Mother Celine (Patrice Egleston, right, white nightgown) comforts her sister, Mariette Baptiste (Brenda Barrie, left, black habit),
Mariette Baptiste (Brenda Barrie, right, black habit) shares her secrets with Pere Mariott (BrIan Parry, left, black robes)
Mariette Baptiste (Brenda Barrie, left, black habit) is welcomed to the convent of the Sisters of the Crucifixion by Sister Genevieve (Sadie Rogers, second from left, looking out, gray habit), Sister Philomene (Elizabeth Olson, third from left, looking left at Mariette, gray habit), and Sister Hermance (Sarah Goeden, right, gray habit)