Steppenwolf Theatre Company presents the Chicago premiere of The Children written by acclaimed British playwright Lucy Kirkwood and helmed by celebrated Chicago director Jonathan Berry. Filled with dark humor, this thought-provoking and haunting play features three of Chicago's top actors tackling complex roles: ensemble members Ora Jones (Rose) and Yasen Peyankov (Robin) with Janet Ulrich Brooks (Hazel). Following sold-out runs in London and New York, Steppenwolf proudly presents this brave and profound work that confronts the responsibility each generation must face for the way it leaves the world.
Previews for The Children begin April 18, 2019 and the production runs through June 9, 2019 in the Downstairs Theatre (1650 N Halsted St). Press performances are Monday, April 29, 2019 at 7pm and Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 7:30pm; Opening night is Monday, April 29.. Tickets ($20-$99) are available through Audience Services at 312-335-1650 or
Classic Memberships starting at $100 for the 2019/20 Season are now available. More info at
On a summer evening in an isolated seaside cottage in the East of England, a pair of retired nuclear scientists are startled by a visit from a former colleague. As some crackers and wine are trotted out, so are various old jealousies, leading to the true reason for Rose's sudden reappearance: the revelation of a chilling and dangerous plan.
Photo Credit: Juli Del Prete
Yasen Peyankov and Janet Ulrich Brooks
Janet Ulrich Broooks, Yasen Peyankov and Ora Jones
Janet Ulrich Brooks, Yasen Peyankov
Yasen Peyankov and Ora Jones
Yasen Peyankov and Ora Jones
Janet Ulrich Broooks, Yasen Peyankov