Steppenwolf Theatre Company presents the world premiere production of La Ruta by acclaimed Chicago playwright Isaac Gomez, directed by ensemble member Sandra Marquez and featuring ensemble member Karen Rodriguez along with an eight-member all female Latinx cast. Inspired by the lives of Mexican women who live, work-and disappear-along a Ciudad Juárez bus route, La Ruta weaves live music through a story of resilience in the wake of loss.
La Ruta begins previews December 13, 2018 and the production runs through January 27, 2019 in the Upstairs Theatre (1650 N Halsted St). Press performances are Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 7pm and Friday, December 21 at 7:30pm; opening night is Thursday, December 20. Single tickets ($20-$89) go on sale this Friday, October 19 at 11am through Audience Services at 312-335-1650 or
To the U.S.-owned factories in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, La Ruta is just a bus. But to the women who live, work and often disappear along the route, it's so much more than that. Inspired by real testimonies, and using live music to evoke factory work and protest marches, La Ruta is a visceral unearthing of secrets buried in the desert and a celebration of the Mexican women who stand resiliently in the wake of loss.
Photo Credit: Joel Moorman
ChariÌn Alvarez
Mari Marroquin, Karen Rodriguez, Cher AÌlvarez
Alice Da Cunha, Mari Marroquin
Cher AÌlvarez, Karen Rodriguez
Isaac Gomez
Sandra Marquez, Karen Rodriguez
Alice Da Cunha
ChariÌn Alvarez, Sandra Delgado
Isabella Gersasole
Alice Da Cunha, Karen Rodriguez, Cher AÌlvarez
Mari Marroquin, Karen Rodriguez, Cher Alvarez