Break out your high heels and fishnets this holiday because Hell in a Handbag Productions is bringing back Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer, David Cerda's beloved parody of the classic children's television special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Now celebrating its 17th year, Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer is the longest running holiday show featuring a transvestite reindeer in the history of Chicago, and quite possibly the world. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
Santa is depressed. Nobody believes in him anymore and he doesn't even believe in himself. Downsizing has taken its toll on the remaining elves. The North Pole morale and morals are at an all-time low and Mrs. Claus (Ed Jones) and her drinking have reached the point of no return.
When Tom and Jane Donner welcome the arrival of their new son, Rudolph, they are horrified to discover their new son's predilection for women's clothing and do all they can to stop him from being himself forcing Rudolph to run away from home. Can Rudolph, the North Pole's biggest misfit elf, Herbie (Chad), and Yukon Cornelia (Lori Lee, returning for her 10th year!), the butch prospector with a deep, dark secret -accidentally save Christmas?
"For me, Rudolph is first kid's story that encourages you to "just be yourself," says Artistic Director and playwright David Cerda. "It's a tale about MISFITS, and I could totally relate to Rudolph and his pain" says Cerda. "There were no anti bullying- campaigns when I was growing up. In my day, if you were picked on in your parents usually told you to stop whining and fight. I'm glad things are finally changing for kids."
This year brings Handbag a new Rudolph, Grant Drager along with puppets by Lolly Extract and Amber Marsh plus additional new cast members, Caitlin Jackson, Kirk Jackson, Shiv Mann, Jerico Bleu. Lizzie Schwarzrock as Clarice, Rudolph's love interest and Jamie Smith as Sam the Snowman.
Also returning to the show are Barbara Figgins, Terry McCarthy, David Cerda, and of course Ed Jones (again) as the Dragbeast.
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Photo Credit: Rick Aguilar Studios
All is not merry at the Claus home as Mrs. Claus (Ed Jones) tries to talk to an unresponsive Santa (Michael Hampton)
Center- Santa (Michael Hampton) is sexy, and he knows it as he dances with the the elves in Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer.
Chad is Herbie the Elf in Rudolph
Mrs. Claus (Ed Jones) tries to hold it together long enough to get through a televised interview in order to please Santa (Michael Hampton)
Elfina (Barbara Figgins) tries to help a drunken Ruth Claus (Ed Jones) off the floor
Caitlin Jackson (Center) is the depressed dolly on the Island of Misfit Toys
Mrs, Claus (Ed Jones) has a little misunderstanding with her weekly liquor order as Sam the Snowman (Jaime Smith) looks on
The cast of Hell in a Handbag's Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer doing the obligatory jazz hands during the opening number.
The entire cast of Rudolph the Red Hosed Reindeer sings Christmastown.
Mrs. Claus (Ed Jones) tires to convince Santa (Michael Hampton) to eat something
Grant Drager is the title role
Santa's wife, Ruth (Ed Jones), humiliates Santa (Michael Hampton) on national television
Coach Comet (Bobby Arnold) inspects the new fawns (Michael John Lean and Grant Drager)
Rudolph (Grant Drager) learns a musical lesson the hard way in Hell in a Handbag's Rudolph the Red-Hosed Reindeer. Also pictured From left- Caitlin Jackson, Kirk Jackson, Terry McCarthy and Shiv Mann.
Clarice (Lizzie Schwarzrock) and Rudolph (Grant Drager) share a happy moment
Rudolph (Grant Drager) celebrates his true self
Clarice (Lizzie Scwarzrock), Rudolph (Grant Drager), Herbie (Chad), and Mrs. Claus (Ed Jones) sing Christmas Makes Me Bitter
Yukon Cornelia (Lori Lee), the odd prospector with a heart of gold seems to be talking to somebody as Herbie the Elf (Chad) and Rudolph (Grant Drager) look on in confusion.
Herbie (Chad) holds on to Yukon Cornelia (Lori Lee) for dear life as Rudolph (Grant Drager ) hides in fear
The company
Trailer Trash Barbie (Terry McCarthy) is back and trashier then ever
Bobby Arnold is Queen Moon Racer, the ruler of of the Island of Misfit Toys. He is fabulous and he will never let you forget it.
The Abominable Dragbeast (Ed Jones) forces her captors to watch Cher productions number as YukonCornelia (left - Lori Lee) dances along.