Completing the cast of Julius Caesar are Brenda Barrie as Portia, McKinley Carter as Soothsayer, Terry Hamilton as Trebonius/Commander of the Triumvirate, Torrey Hanson as Cicero/Cinna the Poet, Matt Mueller as Metellus Cimber/Messala, Austin Talley as Servant to Octavius/Clitus, Samuel Taylor as Flavius/Octavius/Popilius, Demetrios Troy as Decius Brutus/Titinius and Alex Weisman as Lucius. Making their CST debuts are Adam Brown as Servant to Antony/Young Cato, Dennis Grimes as Cinna the Conspirator/Lucilius, Chris Rickett as Pindarus/Servant to Caesar and Bret Tuomi as Murellus/Artemidorus. Ensemble members include Olivia Crary, Javier Ferreira, Andrew Hubbard, Dan Lin, Ryan McBride, Brendan Meyer, Savannah Rae and P. Tucker Worley.
Munby's creative team for Julius Caesar includes Scenic Designer Alexander Dodge and Costume Designer Ilona Somogyi, who make their Chicago Shakespeare debut. The design team also includes returning Lighting Designer Philip S. Rosenberg, returning Composer and Sound Designer Lindsay Jones, resident Wig and Make-up Designer Melissa Veal and resident Properties Master Chelsea Meyers.
Chicago Shakespeare Theater's Julius Caesar runs February 5 through March 24, 2013 in CST's Courtyard Theater. Tickets are on sale now for $48-$78 with special discounts available for groups of 10 or more, as well as CST for $20 tickets available for patrons under 35. All patrons receive a 40% discount on guaranteed parking in Navy Pier garages. Additionally, Navy Pier is offering $10 parking after 5 p.m. through March 17, 2013. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Chicago Shakespeare Theater's Box Office at 312.595.5600 or visit the Theater's website at
Photo Credits: Liz Lauren and Bill Burlingham
Marcus Brutus, David Darlow, Jason Kolotouros and Larry Yando
David Darlow, Barbara E. Robertson and Dion Johnstone
David Darlow, Barbara E. Robertson and Company
John Light and Jason Kolotouros
The Company
Dion Johnstone and Company
John Light and Company