Following their hit holiday show A Klingon Christmas Carol, Commedia Beauregard is pleased to present the return of its wildly popular dark comedy BARD FICTION, a Shakespearean retelling of Quentin Tarantino''s cult film classic Pulp Fiction, written by Ben Tallen, Aaron Greer, BrIan Watson-Jones and the collaborative efforts of the Pulp Bard Wiki and directed and choreographed by Artistic Director Christopher Kidder-Mostrom. BARD FICTION will play tonight, July 10 - August 2, 2015 at City Lit Theater, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. in Chicago. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
BARD FICTION features Josh Zagoren and Steven Royce in the roles created by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson - though, this time, in Shakespearean verse. Other returning cast members include Clark Bender, Jackie Davies, Zach Livingston and Reggie Vaughn with newcomers Greg Callozzo, Alex Glossman, Nicole Jordan, Brenda E. Kelly, Ali Kidder-Mostrom, Vivian Knouse, Kristin Larsen, Chris Lysy, Joshua Simpson, Abby Stark and Max Tomaszewski.
BARD FICTION takes the characters and story from Tarantino''s classic film and makes them a part of the London underworld in Elizabethan England. It''s pop-culture meets high-culture and the result is exciting for fans of Shakespeare and Pulp Fiction alike. Commedia Beauregard regularly performs plays translated from one language to another (A Klingon Christmas Carol, Machiavelli''s The Mandrake), however this time they will be bring to the stage a play translating between art forms and eras.
BARD FICTION was an Internet sensation from the moment the idea surfaced from writers Ben Tallen, Aaron Greer and BrIan Watson-Jones. The project attracted contributions via the Pulp Bard Wiki from as far away as New Zealand. A one-hour version was presented by Tedious Brief Productions at the Minnesota Fringe Festival in 2009. Three years later, Commedia Beauregard commissioned BARD FICTION as an expanded, full-length play.
The production team for BARD FICTION includes: Devon Mackay (scenic design), kClare Kemock and Jackie Daniels (costume design), Liz Cooper (lighting design), Joe Griffin (sound design and score) Vivian Knouse (props), Marc Malnekoff and Brenda E. Kelly (weapons), Zach Livingston (fight choreography) and Hazel Flowers-McCabe (stage manager).
Tickets are currently available at or by calling the box office at (312) 487-1893.
Photo Credit: Michael Brosilow
Alex Glossman, Steven Royce and Josh Zagoren
Josh Zagoren and Jackie Davies
Max Tomaszewski, Jackie Davies, Ali Kidder-Mostrom and Josh Zagoren
Steven Royce, Chris Lysy and Josh Zagoren
Reggie Vaughn and Zach Livingston
Zach Livingston and Clark Bender