Chicago Shakespeare Theater presents a vibrantly reimagined A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by internationally acclaimed director Joe Dowling, in the Courtyard Theater, now through January 27, 2019.
Shakespeare's beloved comedy is infused with raucous humor, a striking visual landscape, and eclectic musical score blending rock, jazz, blues, rock, and '50s doo-wop.
A multi-talented company of 22 notably features Grey's Anatomy alum T.R. Knight as Bottom-as well as Alexandra Silber, Edward O'Blenis, Cristina Panfilio, Tyrone Phillips, Melisa Soledad Pereyra, Eric Schabla, and Sam Kebede.
Photo Credit: Liz Lauren
Adrienne Storrs, Sam Kebede and the fairy ensemble
Edward O'Blenis, Alexandra Silber
Melisa Soledad Pereyra. Cristina Panfilio, Tyrone Phillips, Sam Kebede