Lifeline Theatre presents an adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, by Lifeline Theatre ensemble member Christina Calvit, and directed by Lifeline Theatre ensemble member Elise Kauzlaric. Check out the pics of the cast below. Pride and Prejudice runs April 20 - June 10, at Lifeline Theatre, 6912 N. Glenwood Ave.
In the town of Meryton, reputation and marriage can secure - or destroy - a young woman's happiness. Faced with the loss of land and income, Elizabeth Bennet's mother is desperate to secure husbands for her daughters at any cost. When Lizzy is introduced to Mr. Darcy at a local dance, tempers flare as her independent spirit clashes with his ingrained arrogance. Can the headstrong rivals overcome their pride and prejudice to repair the romantic entanglements which surround them and find lasting love? A world of memorable characters comes to life in this sparkling comedy of manners, freshly updated for its first appearance on the Lifeline stage in twenty years.
Opening night is Monday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. (Previews are Fridays, April 20 and 27 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturdays, April 21 and 28 at 8 p.m.; and Sunday, April 22 at 4 p.m.) Regular performance times (May 3 - June 10) are Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 4 p.m.
Ticket prices are $35 for regular single tickets on Saturdays and Sundays, $32 for regular single tickets on Thursdays and Fridays, $27 for seniors, $20 for students (with I.D.), $20 for rush tickets (available half hour before show time, subject to availability), and $20 for previews. Group rate for 12 or more is available upon request. Tickets may be purchased at the Lifeline Theatre Box Office, 773.761.4477, or by visiting This production runs approximately two hours with one intermission. The book will be on sale in the lobby.
James Gasber, Laura McClain and Dennis Grimes
Dennis Grimes and Laura McClain
Cameron Feagin, Phil Timberlake, Kirsty Rivett, Kelsey Jorissen, Cassidy Shea Stirtz, Laura McClain, and Amanda Drinkall