The critically acclaimed production Private Peaceful from the celebrated author of the international hit War Horse, is a timely reminder of the heroic sacrifices that were made by those involved in World War I. The story charts the life of a young soldier, Thomas 'Tommo' Peaceful, played by Shane O'Regan, as he maneuvers his way through the horrors and sacrifices of war with his brother, Charlie. Critics call this one-man production "A devastating must see show," "Deeply moving. A performance nothing short of remarkable," and "...truly one of the most breathtaking and emotionally stirring productions to grace a Chicago stage in a long time."
To honor those who have served our country, Private Peaceful is offering all Veterans $18 tickets to the final four performances. Must close on November 11. Patrons must mention Vet18 to receive special deal.
From Michael Morpurgo, the celebrated author of the international hit War Horse, comes the critically acclaimed production, Private Peaceful. Simon Reade's stage adaptation of Morpurgo's award-winning book garnered rave reviews throughout its 2017 and 2018 tours across Ireland, including 5-star reviews from The Guardian, The Sunday Herald, and The Irish Mail. Starring Shane O'Regan, his moving story of Tommo Peaceful's life, from growing up in rural England to enlisting to fight in the first World War, comes to Chicago's Greenhouse Theater Center, 2257 N. Lincoln Avenue in Chicago, IL, through November 11-the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.
Private Peaceful is a timely reminder of the heroic sacrifices that were made by those involved in World War One. The story charts the life of a young soldier, Thomas 'Tommo' Peaceful, a Private played by O'Regan, who faces the firing squad for cowardice. As Tommo sits in his cell waiting for sunrise, he thinks back to some of his fondest memories and reflects on the events that made him the person he is today. Tommo recounts the fact that he and his elder brother Charlie do everything together- such as reminiscing on memories from their schooldays, sleeping and eating, and facing personal problems - they even fell in love with the same girl. But now they have to face the many facets of war together.
Can loyalty and a bond between two brothers overcome the brutality of the front lines and bring them safely home? When the lines of heroism and cowardice collide, what can one man or even a brother do to fight the injustices of it all?
The novel Private Peaceful was first published in 2003 and adapted into a stage play by Simon Reade in 2004 when it was first performed at the Old Vic Theatre in Bristol. The production was revived in 2012 where it sold out at the Edinburgh Fringe and London's West End, followed by a tour of the United Kingdom. A film adaptation of the novel was produced in 2012 and was directed by Pat O'Connor.
Private Peaceful will run at the Greenhouse Theater Center, 2257 N. Lincoln Avenue in Chicago from October 17 to November 11. The performance schedule is as follows: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm with additional matinee performances on Saturday and Sunday at 3:00 pm. Tickets range from $40 to $45 plus processing fees. For more information visit or call the box office at 773-404-7336.