On the planet of Nerth, physicist Mayra Ecazin races against time to unlock the secret of light speed travel while a hoarde of alien invaders threaten to decimate life on the planet. However, getting the machine made proves more difficult than anticipated. Battling greedy investors, competing agendas, and her own mortality, how much is Mayra willing to sacrifice to make her machine?
Speed of Light takes a fantastical look at the infinite possibilities of the human mind and the finite potential of a flawed civilization.
Otherworld Theatre is a local theatre company in Chicago dedicated to Science Fiction and Fantasy performance. Since being founded in 2012, Otherworld has produced some incredible Science Fiction and Fantasy plays including Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Cameron McNary's Of Dice and Men, Bella Poynton's The Aurora Project, Charles Busch's Queen Amarantha, the World Premiere of Stuart Bousel's Gone Dark, the dystopian retelling of Much Ado About Nothing as Messina 3004, their original production Fight Quest!, a choose-your-own adventure fight show, Moon! Prism! Power!, an original Sailor Moon musical parody, the world premiere adaptation of A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, adapted by Nick Izzo and Tiffany Keane Schaefer, and the world premiere of The Rogue Aviator by Nick Izzo.
They also annually host Juggernaut: A Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Film Festival, and the Paragon Play Festival, the world's largest Sci-Fi and Fantasy play festival. Otherworld frequently performs at various conventions around the Midwest including C2E2, ValorCon, Capricon and GenCon.
Thursdays - Saturdays, October 6th - October 21st
Thursdays and Fridays @ 7:30pm & Saturdays @ 2:30 PM & 7:30 PM
Berger Park Coach House (6205 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60660)
Tickets: Pay what you can with a suggested price of $20
Ticket Link: