The Gift Theatre's annual Christmas production, titled Merry Christmas! (Stranger Things Have Happened) opens Thursday. The sketch comedy revue is written and performed by Natural Gas, the house improv team of The Gift Theatre, and directed by Ensemble member Jim Kozyra. Fellow Natural Gas Ensemble members Eric Muller, Carly Olson, John Pantlind and Kyle Zornes star with Gift Ensemble member Paul D'Addario. Merry Christmas! (Stranger Things Have Happened) runs December 5 - 14 at the Gift Theatre, 4802 N. Milwaukee Avenue, with performances Thursday-Saturday at 8 p.m. Single tickets, $5, are available at or by calling the box office at 773-283-7071.
Unlike other holiday shows that inspire depressing nostalgia for more youthful times, or, worse, teach the true meaning of Christmas by murdering Tiny Tim, Merry Christmas! (Stranger Things Have Happened) will force the holiday spirit into attendees' bones by reminding them that no matter what, everything is awesome and they are doing great. Whether fighting a war, surviving at sea, or just working late, the holidays have the power to make everyone happier - even cynical comedians.
"This show sets out to prove that just because the Paul McCartney Christmas song sucks, doesn't mean the John Lennon Christmas song doesn't also suck," says Kozyra.
Natural Gas is the house improv team of The Gift Theatre that takes one suggestion from the audience to create an entirely improvised world of comedy that is wild, randy and appropriately inappropriate! Every Wednesday, 8 p.m. at The Gift Theatre, 4802 N. Milwaukee Ave (at Lawrence) in Chicago. Tickets are always $5 in advance or at the door.