Natural Gas, the house improv team of The Gift Theatre, begins its open run at The Second City this Sunday, April 21 at 8 p.m. The first installment, Natural Gas: Thornes, will be an entirely improvised two-man set starring The Gift Theatre artistic director Michael Patrick Thornton and Natural Gas Artistic Director Kyle Zornes (currently starring in Vigils at The Gift, directed by Erica Weiss).
"Even though we've improvised together for five years, we've never done a two-person show," said Thornton. "More interestingly, perhaps: we're going to donate 100% of the profits to Fischman's 'Kegs For Kidneys' event, a fundraiser benefitting the National Kidney Foundation."
Natural Gas: Thornes
Sunday, April 21, 8 p.m.
The Second City de Maat Studio Theater, 1608 N. Wells Street
Tickets: $10 general admission; $8 Students; $5 Training Center Students
Natural Gas will perform monthly shows Sundays, 8 p.m., in the de Maat Studio Theater at The Second City, indefinitely. In addition, Natural Gas continues to perform every Wednesday, as it has for the past five years, at The Gift Theatre, two blocks from the Jefferson Park Blue Line stop at Milwaukee and Lawrence.