Midwest New Musicals kicks off Words and Music, its new concert reading series of original musicals with TABLE TURNS by Sheilah Rae and Michele Brourman on Monday, November 21, at 8 PM at the Light Opera Works Second Stage, 1420 Maple (at Lake) in Evanston. Tickets are $15 at Light Opera Works ticket office (516 4th Street in Wilmette), or by phone at (847) 920-5360, or at the door.
TABLE TURNS is a musical evening of five shorts, each with a surprising turn of events in contemporary love and life. The piece was a finalist for the Heideman Award given by the Actors' Theatre of Louisville. TABLE TURNS features Kelli Harrington, Jasmine Ryan, David Skvarla and Greg Tate. The musical is directed by Jeff Dumas and music directed by Jessica Hunt. The casting director is Allan Chambers. Midwest New Musicals is lead by workshop director John Sparks.Sheilah Rae, the co-bookwriter and lyricist, co-wrote Funny, You Don't Look Like A Grandmother. She has written songs for Time, People, Doritos, Beechnut Baby Food and Ben Gay. As a performer she has appeared in Fiddler On the Roof, Applause, The Rothschilds and Company. She has served as past-council for the Songwriters Guild of America, past-president of the League of Professional Theatre Women and is currently the board president of the New York Theatre Barn and a member of the Dramatists Guild. She was born and raised in Chicago and is a New Trier graduate.Videos