Midsommer Flight to return for sixth season of bringing free Shakespeare to Chicago's parks
2017 productions to include an eight-week summer run of Hamlet and holiday season perennial Twelfth NightThe company will begin its 2017 season with a free "Season Kick-Off Picnic" in Lincoln Park on Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. This free event will give Midsommer Flight patrons and community members the opportunity to mingle with ensemble and summer cast, enjoy a BYO picnic in the park, and enjoy a short program including a stage combat demonstration and a Q&A with cast and crew of HAMLET. The picnic will be held in the park on Stockton Avenue between the Lincoln Park Cultural Center and the Zoo (official address is the Lincoln Park Cultural Center at 2045 N Lincoln Park West).
Hamlet - July 8 to August 27, 2017
This summer's production - the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark - will be performed in an abridged 100-minute version that will capture the murderous intrigues of the royal family - complete enough for those familiar with the play and accessible for newcomers to it. The play's most famous lines - including some of Shakespeare's most frequently quoted, such as "To be or not to be," "the play's the thing" and "To thine own self be true" - will be delightfully present for those who know the lines are coming and for those who will be surprised to hear them in this context. The play will be presented on the ground, with natural lighting (curtain times are early enough to complete performances before sunset) and without amplification, just as in Shakespeare's day.
Top row L-R: Samual Cheesman, Bianca Phipps, Jared Dennis
Bottom row L-R: Morayo Orija, Joe Sergio, Ian Michael Minh
The design team includes Chris Smith and Maureen Yasko (fight directors) and Jeremiah Barr (scenic designer). Robin Waisanen will be stage manager and Meredith Ernst will be assistant director.
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Beth Wolf
July 8 - August 27, 2017
Saturdays at 6 PM and Sundays at 2 PM
Venues vary by week:
July 8-9 @ Lincoln Park (2045 N Lincoln Park West, 60614)
July 15-16 and 22-23 @ Touhy Park (7348 N Paulina, 60626)
July 29-30 and August 5-6 @ Schreiber Park (1552 W Schreiber, 60626)
August 12-13 and 19-20 @ Gross Park (2708 W Lawrence, 60625)
August 26-27 @ Lincoln Park (2045 N Lincoln Park West, 60614)
All performances are free. Live music will be presented a half hour prior to each performance. Audiences are encouraged to come early and bring a picnic to enjoy this free programming.
Advance reservations are not offered - seating is first come, first served, and audience members can bring their own blankets or chairs. Show information on website at www.midsommerflight.com, including detailed schedule and info about directions and parking at each park.
Twelfth Night - November 30 - December 17, 2017
This coming winter, Midsommer Flight will stage Shakespeare's Twelfth Night for the third consecutive holiday season, complete with its acclaimed musical score. As it was the previous two years, Twelfth Night will be presented in the Show House room at the Lincoln Park Conservatory, 2391 Stockton Dr. The 2017 dates are November 30 - December 17, 2017. Curtain times are Thursdays - Sundays @ 7:30 PM. The cast and crew of Twelfth Night will be announced at a later date. Tickets are FREE but reservations are recommended due to limited seating - reservations will be available through the Midsommer Flight website beginning October 1.
ABOUT MIDSOMMER FLIGHT. Midsommer Flight is a theatre company dedicated to presenting high quality, accessible productions of Shakespeare's plays in Chicago communities. After the company's well-received inaugural production of A Midsummer Night's Dream in 2012, the Chicago City Council honored Midsommer Flight with a resolution praising "the Midsommer Flight theater troupe on their dedication to bringing the arts to underserved communities." The company incorporated as a not-for-profit in the state of Illinois in early 2013, and has since produced Romeo and Juliet (2013), Much Ado About Nothing (2014), Macbeth (2015), Twelfth Night (2015) and As You Like It (2016). All performances will be presented free of charge (donations gratefully accepted). In addition, live music will be presented prior to each summer performance. Audiences are encouraged to come early and bring a picnic to enjoy this free programming. For more information visit www.midsommerflight.com.Videos