National Opera Week celebrates the vitality of opera in America as a contemporary cultural expression. Created by Opera America, the annual event takes place this year from October 25 through November 3 and to observe it, Lyric Opera of Chicago has embarked on a special social media campaign.
Beginning October 25, Lyric is showcasing its artists, administrators, and audience members of all ages who participate in its wide-ranging programs-both at the opera house and in the community-by sharing photos on Facebook, Twitter and Lyric's blog, "Lyric Lately," with the theme, "A Week in the Life of Lyric Opera."
Lyric stars, chorus, orchestra musicians, and staff are posing with National Opera Week signs whenever inspiration strikes. And opera lovers around the world are encouraged to participate, too-a printable version of the sign is available for download on Lyric's blog-by posting photos on their personal social networks, and tagging with the official National Opera Week hashtag, #operaweek.
Lyric is asking its fans to be photographed with a National Opera Week sign while listening to recordings, working out, singing in a community chorus, playing an instrument-whatever shows the role that opera plays in their lives. They then can post their photos to their own social media accounts throughout the week, and they can simply tag Lyric Opera and use #operaweek to be included.
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