"Loose Chicks" will be at Uncharted Books, 2630 N Milwaukee Ave, in May! Roberta Miles, the "Loose Chick" will be starring in and presenting an hour long performance based on her experiences through life. This juicy, gutsy, balsy, cutting edge look at life through the eyes of three femme fatales will be presented at Uncharted Books. The performance is tonight, June 14th @ 7:15pm. There is a suggested donation.
Roberta Miles is known for her irreverent, autobiographical monologues that make up a tell-all expose of her quirky, edgy life. She premiered her monologues in a Three Cat Media production at Gorilla Tango Theater, and has also done readings at the Nerve Gallery, Kate's Book Store, the Flatiron Building, She has performed with Beast Women at The GreenHouse Theatre. These monologues have been the basis for her one-woman show, which premiered at "StrawDog Theatre" in Chicago, June 2009 and at "Boho Theatre" in October of the same year. She is the producer of "Loose Chicks" which runs every other week of the month at Uncharted Books and Emerald City Coffee. She also produces "Café Cabaret" which runs monthly at Café Ballou in Chicago.Videos