Abby Mann's stage adaptation of his Oscar-winning drama follows a US-led war crimes tribunal as it weighs the fate of German judges. Hans Rolfe is a defense attorney for a fiercely independent jurist who once called Hitler "ill-mannered," is he guilty of heinous crimes against humanity, or was he merely enforcing his country's sanctioned laws in the name of "national security?" Judgment at Nuremberg is an absorbing probe of the ethics of personal responsibility versus public duty.
Join us for a panel discussion of the political and ethical ramifications exposed by the trial of judges; the impact of the trials on international law (specifically as relates to war crimes); the issues of political interests vs. humanitarian interests, and following orders vs. complicity; as well as the disconnect between what's acceptable in war vs what's acceptable in civilian life.
Panelists include: Patrick Homan, Professor, Dominican University Political Science dept; local judge, Pamela McLean Meyerson; Veteran's counselor, Bob Mathes; and journalist Charlie Meyerson as moderator.
DATE: Monday, November 21
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Martin Recital Hall (in the Performing Arts Center)
COST: Free and open to the public
*Attendance at the November 12 performance of Judgment at Nuremberg recommended
Box Office
Tuesday-Friday Noon-6 p.m.
(708) 488-5000