Curb Your Enthusiasm co-star Jeff Garlin takes the director's chair with his youth baseball comedy Dealin' With Idiots from IFC Films, opening in Chicago tonight, July 12 at Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport Avenue.
Max Morris (Garlin) is a comedian and a father. He's also of a school of thought that kids should be left to their own devices and parents have no place helicoptering over their every move. Faced with the absurd competitiveness surrounding his son's youth league baseball team, Max decides to get to know the colorful parents and coaches of the team better in an attempt to find the inspiration for his next movie.
About the Music Box Theatre: For nearly 30 years the Music Box Theatre has been the premier venue in Chicago for independent and foreign films, festivals and some of the greatest cinematic events in Chicago. It currently has the largest cinema space operated full time in the city. The Music Box Theatre is independently owned and operated by the Southport Music Box Corporation. SMBC, through its Music Box Films division, also distributes foreign and independent films in the theatrical, DVD and television markets throughout the United States. For additional information, visit