Search FREE on GoodSearch & BoHo gets a donation! |
That’s right! Go to and indicate that you are searching on behalf of BoHo Theatre.and BoHo gets a donation for every search you do! |
The yearly cutoff for search donations is September 30, so we are making a huge push to get in as many GoodSearch-based searches as possible before the end of the month in an effort to drive our GoodSearch yearly donation to the max! |
Search for everyday things (your e-mail provider, pages you visit daily, etc.), and even make GoodSearch your homepage! |
Remember: Repeatedly use the GoodSearch search engine with BoHo Theatre as the benefit company as many times as you can before September 30th (and keep using it after that too, as we will get a new stream of donations from future searches). |
As always, we thank you for supporting BoHo Theatre as we continuously strive to bring a fresh performance voice to Chicago. |