Hell in a Handbag Productions has announced a special benefit performance of their Jeff-Recommended musical comedy, Sexy Baby, a behind the scenes look of the fascinatingly addictive world of child beauty pageants, set for June 6th.
The performance will benefit Friends of the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame, an organization dedicated to recognizing the volunteer and professional achievements of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people; their organizations, friends, and their contributions to the LGBT communities and to the city of Chicago.
"Through Friends of Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame, residents of Chicago and the world are made aware of the contributions of Chicago's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities and the communities' efforts to eradicate homophobic bias and discrimination", says Gary Chichester, Hall of Fame Board Co-Chair. "We wish to thank Hell in a Handbag Productions for their assistance with this endeavor and hope to see all our friends out for an evening of outrageous fun," adds Chichester.
Meet Swann Black, the hottest little superstar in the child pageant circuit since Jon Benet Ramsey. Swann has the looks, talent and - most importantly - her drill sergeant mother, Robin.
Will Swann fulfill her mother's dreams and win the title of Miss Sexy Baby? Will Leslie recapture the Miss Sexy Baby crown? Will there ever be enough glitter for little Larry Castlebury's Rainbow Kitty costume?
Sexy Baby, is set for June 6, at Mary's Attic in Chicago, Ill.
Photo credit: Rick Aguilar Studios