Gorilla Tango Originals proudly presents its first youth theatre production, "Super Jane!" by Susan and Frank R. Sjodin and directed by Meagan Piccochi. "Super Jane!" is geared towards young children ages 0-5 and will perform Saturdays at 11am, March 4-April 22, 2017, at Gorilla Tango Theatre (1919 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago IL 60647). Tickets are $15; children under 6 months are free. Visit www.gorillatango.com or call 773-598-4549 for tickets and more information.
Do you have what it takes to be a superhero? Of course you do! Everyone does! Watch as Jane, with the help of her puppet friends, learns to become the superhero she's always been. This fun, educational show features puppets interacting with humans and the audience in an extremely intimate setting (so kids can get up close to the action!), and intertwines songs, puppetry, audience-participation, and more to keep your child engaged and excited through the whole show.
The show was developed by puppet professional Frank R. Sjodin, his wife Susan Sjodin, who has a background in theatre, writing, and early-childhood care, and director Meagan Piccochi, who is an early-childhood educator and caretaker, an after-school teacher, Script Development Director, former Artistic Director, and a mother of one-year-old.
Co-author Susan Sjodin states, "Exposing tiny tots to theatre is especially exciting to me. I have seen a lot of great work for elementary aged kids, but this project is uniquely built for the super young." Co-author Frank Sjodin elaborates, "This play is a highly interactive experience that encourages families to participate together - tiny kids do not want to just sit and watch. They let you know if they are bored - wiggle spots! So we've got singing, dancing, and even helping the puppets pick up trash. Yeah, this is fun AND educational - ha!"
Director Meagan Piccochi is thrilled to be at the helm of "Super Jane!": "This show teaches children that there are ways they can help their friends and the rest of the world even if they don't have superpowers. I find it is especially important to model this behavior now, at a time where bullying, discrimination, oppression, and just a general lack of respect and understanding seem to be becoming normalized."
Gorilla Tango Originals Executive Producer, Ellen Domonkos White, continues, "Our neighborhood is filled with wonderful cultural activities for children, including Bucktown Academy, Bucktown Music, and Easel Art Studio. It felt like a natural contribution to the community to bring appreciation of theatre to our younger community. I also love how this show breaks the gender stereotype that only boys are into superheroes; in our story it's a little girl that wants to be the superhero."
"Super Jane!" runs approximately 45 minutes in length; there will be a meet and greet with performers immediately following. The show features Mark West as Mr. Rhodes (the coolest superhero puppet you have ever seen); Ryan Jendryeski and Chrystal Paige Brown (as his fellow puppet friends); and Olivia Candocia as the clever, real-life super hero, Jane.