An unforgettable musical adventure comes alive in a bountiful new adaptation directed by Chicago's own Rachel Rockwell, hailed as an artist of "astounding and very rare talents" by Chicago Tribune.
When American tourists Tommy and Jeff get lost on vacation in Scotland they stumble into Brigadoon, a mythical village that appears for only one day every 100 years. No outsider can stay in Brigadoon unless they fall in love, and no resident can ever leave or the village will vanish forever. But when Tommy falls for a village girl, he is forced to choose between returning to the world that he knows-or taking a chance on life and love in the mysterious Brigadoon. Big, beautiful and beguiling, Brigadoon is a "ravishing" (The New Yorker) musical delight that will sweep you off your feet.
Groups of 15+ can reserve tickets now for Brigadoon! Learn more on our Groups page or email for details.