While many companies in corporate America have significantly cut back their community giving, Fox Valley Repertory, a local non-profit, has made a strategic priority to increase its giving to other community non-profits in a major way. In 2011, the non-profit organization has helped raise over $10,000 for local charities and other causes. Many in corporate America see social responsibility as not their responsibility when profit is down. Fox Valley Rep, however, is giving back to the community of which it serves and is proud to support.
Why? The theater which changed its name in 2011 to Fox Valley Repertory is proud to serve the Fox Valley and has been able to help support local causes that are too struggling to find the income to support their operations. Collaboration is growing among non-profits and groups continue to find value in working together to support dual causes. This summer, Fox Valley Repertory asked show patrons to consider making a donation as they exited the theater to support the two St. Charles Rotary Clubs and their efforts to support the eradication of Polio through Rotary International. Fox Valley Repertory split funds collected 50/50 between the clubs and the Rep's Performing Arts Academy.They're Playing Our Song cast asked patrons to support the St. Charles East High School Jazz Choir's need for new sound equipment.
Then, this fall during They're Playing Our Song, patrons were encouraged to support the cause of raising funds to help support the St. Charles East High School Jazz Choir's need for new sound equipment. The generosity of patrons showed in a big way as over $1,600 was collect for the Jazz Choir and another $1,600 was collected for the Performing Arts Academy. This summer, students and patrons also helped raise over $300 for the Northern Illinois Food Bank during the Little Shop of Horrors "Feed Me" campaign.
Annie Jr. Cast
Fox Valley Rep has also found ways to support local causes by collecting items that are needed for groups such as Lazarus House, Anderson Animal Shelter, and Mooseheart. Students and patrons collected over 500 toiletry items for Mooseheart of Mooseheart, IL during the summer show Annie Jr. and they collected 390 lbs of litter, 100 lbs of food, cleaning supplies, and some toys for Anderson Animal Shelter of South Elgin, IL during the fall play Alice in Wonderland Jr.
Cinderella cast collected shoes for their "Shoes for Orphan Souls" drive.
The generosity of the students, parents, and patrons at Fox Valley Repertory have made a major contribution in 2011 to supporting local causes. The staff and Board of Directors at Fox Valley Repertory could not be more proud of the contributions and hope that people will continue to support local causes. Fox Valley Rep's hopes that through its efforts, people will continue to support the theater and come back to see more performances that inspire them to laugh, reflect, and reconnect to moments in their lives through stories shared onstage.