Forth Story Productions is excited to announce its inaugural production of the award-winning show TAPPED: A Treasonous Musical Comedy, written by Jed Levine, directed by Molly Todd, composed/music directed by Brad Kemp, and choreographed by Holly Gombita. This irreverent production will run from June 9 to July 3, 2016 at Theater Wit, 1229 W Belmont Ave in Chicago. Tickets for TAPPED will be available at, in person at the Theater Wit Box Office, or by calling (773) 975-8150.
TAPPED features Tina Arfaee, Colleen Burgess, Brittny Congleton, Warren Dailey, Phil DeBoer, David Dritsas,Xavier Euzarraga, Max Hinders, Mikey Mulhearn, Beau Nolen, Todd Page, Heather Scholl, Laureen Siciliano,Jenna Steege, Fiona Stephens, and Courtney E Thompson.
TAPPED follows Mary, one of the NSA's top agents. She's smart, ambitious and in love for the first time. There's just one problem: The object of her affection is Steve, the bumbling whistleblower she's supposed to spy on. After joining Steve's quest to expose the NSA's domestic spying program, Mary is forced to go on the run-testing her limits, facing her fears and squaring off against both the severe Swiss head of WikiLeaks, Juliana, and the twisted head of the NSA, Patrick. Ultimately, Mary must answer the question: How much is she willing to give up for love and privacy rights?
The production team for TAPPED includes Amy Carlson (costume designer), Archer Curry (props designer),Annamarie Giordano (scenic designer), Victoria Golden (production manager), Katy Grabarski (master electrician), Matthew Huston (marketing manager), Darek Lane (stage manager), Cedar Larson (lighting designer), and Hailey Palmer (marketing consultant).
Photo Credit: Evan Hanover