Directed by Ensemble Member Steven Fedoruk, Eclipse Theatre Company's 2009 season: The Celebration Series Part II concludes with Romulus Linney's political satire.
Previews November 12th, 13th, and 14th at 8:00 pm,
($5 Industry tickets available for all Previews!)
Opening night is Sunday, November 15th at 7 pm
Post-show discussions with the cast and crew follow each
Sunday matinee performance with the exception of opening and closing weekends.
Featuring Eclipse ensemble members Cheri Chenoweth, Stephen Dale, Nina O'Keefe, and Rebecca Prescott, with guest artists Larry Baldacci, Ron Butts, Elaine Carlson, Barbara Harris, Sandy Spatz, and Jon Steinhagen.
Eclipse ensemble members Steven Fedoruk (Director), Sarah Moeller (Dramaturg), Katie Vandehey (Dramaturg). Guest artists Joshua Allard (Costume Design), Sorin Brouwers (Sound Design), Kathleen Dickinson (Stage Manager), Sally Eames-Harlan (Dialect Coach), Chris Jensen (Set Design), Kim Lyle (Properties Design), Seth Reinick (Lighting Design) and Susanne Surdenik (Assistant Stage Manager).Tickets on sale now!
Call 773-404-7336