Dogs! Heroes for Love is a dog-themed music and cabaret showcase which benefits Safe Humane Chicago's VALOR program and Prop Theater.
Highlights include performances by jazz and jump blues band Improper Behavior, dog-themed variety acts from hoola hoop artist The McCrystallizer, go-go dance from Miss AlleyCat, juggling by from Brad French, and vaudeville from writer and actor Paul Brennan. Audiences can also enjoy the "dog-goodies" give-a-way and meet actual dogs from the VALOR Program.
The show is at 8pm and runs one night only, Friday April 20th 2018. Tickets are $20.00 in advance on line at, at, or as cash at the door. Seating is limited.
Safe Humane Chicago's goal is to reduce violence towards people and companion animals. In the VALOR Program (Veterans Advancing the Lives of Rescues), Safe Humane partners veterans with shelter dogs and dogs seized in court cases. Through a training program, they provide support , promoting emotional healing of both the dogs and veterans. They are an Illinois Not-For-Profit 501c3 organization. Link:
As one of the oldest store-front theaters, The Prop Thtr is an incubator for new performance work in all disciplines, and is an Illinois Not-For-Profit 501c3 organization.
All tickets are $20 online at, or cash at the door. Reservation also by phone at 773-742-5420. Seating is limited.