Set in 1963 in Brighton, this hilarious play transforms Goldoni's 18th century classic Servant of Two Masters into modern musical comedy rife with satire. Despite an abundance of sausage rolls, Pauline and Alan's engagement party has gone horribly awry. Pauline's deceased fiancé shows up in the form of his twin sister Rachel, who is posing as her own dead brother Roscoe, who was killed by Rachel's lover Stanley, who needs the money to flee to Australia! As confusion reaches a fever pitch, Rachel's bumbling bodyguard Francis takes advantage of the chaos with an ambitious plan to line his pockets. One man, two jobs-how hard could it be?
Some of Court's favorite artists come together for a rollicking, musical jaunt through a swirl of cross-dressing twins, dead fiancés, crooked lawyers, and general buffoonery.
One Man, Two Guvnors features Timothy Edward Kane (Francis Henshall), Chaon Cross (Pauline Clench), Erik Hellman (Stanley Stubbers), Elizabeth Ledo (Rachael Crabbe), Hollis Resnik (Dolly), Alex Goodrich (Alan Dangle), Ross Lehman (Harry Dangle), Allen Gilmore (Lloyd Boateng), Francis Guinan (Charlie Clench), and Jed Feder (Ensemble).