Fans "Come Together" at a Beatles Festival to celebrate the greatest band of all time. First, second, and third impressions can be deceiving, but one thing you can count on... The Beatles.
Factory Theater's Artistic Director Scott OKen takes a humorous look at fan culture and The Beatles in his new comedy, Mop Top Festival. Various bands and fans converge on the Hyatt Regency O'Hare to celebrate the Fab Four, but will it be for the last time? Will the new guy score a lunchbox? What about "The Magical Mystery Tour"? Will "The Beatles Mentalist" provide the answers? Find out in Mop Top Festival, the first show of the Factory Theater's 17th season.MOP TOP FESTIVAL
Written & Directed by Scott Oken
Preview Weekend March 13-15
Fri-Sat 8pm, Sun 7pm $10
Opening March 20th
Opening night Performance/Post-show party $25.
All other nights $20
Fridays, Saturdays 8pm, Sundays 7pm
Closes April 25
***Special Launch Party on Thursday February 26th
Featuring:Tim Amos*, Ray Brazaski, Tucker Curtis*, Ernest Deak*, Catherine Dughi*, Len Foote, Edward Fraim, Sarah Rose Graber*, Josh Graves*, Christine Jennings*, John Luzar, Christopher Marcum, Angelina Martinez*, Paul Metreyeon*, Shannon O'Neill*, Mike Ooi, Erin Orr Scott Pasko,
Elizabeth Styles, and Carrie J. Sullivan *
Associate Producers
Scott OKen*, Ernest Deak*, Paul Metreyeon*, Eric Roach*, Chas Vrba*, and Laura McKenzie*
Assistant Director
Colin Milroy*
Stage Manager
Joie Jackson-Graves
Assitant Stage Manager
Jermaine Edwards
Technical Director
Kyle Waites
Set Designer
Gabriel Richardson
Lighting Designer
Molly Gilbert
Costume Designer
Rachel Sypniewski
Sound Designer
Chas Vrba*
Props Master
Barbara Kanady
Graphic Designer
Tamara Nowak
*denotes Factory Member
Thursday February 26th 6:00-10:00pm at Chief O'Neill's Pub.
3471 N. Elston Ave. Chicago, IL.
Eat, drink and party as if it were not a weeknight! You'll have the chance to see a sneak peek of our new show Mop Top Festival, hear a very Beatles-heavy set by DJ Chas, and an opportunity to win prizes with our Beatles audio quiz and 50/50 raffle, eat great food, drink tasty beverages and so much more. See ya there!
Chief O'Neill's Pub has agreed to donate half of dinner & drinks at the launch party to the Factory Theater.