Crime Scene: A Chicago Anthology is a timely new theatrical reaction to Chicago's history of violent crime and a call to discover what it might take to create lasting change in our city. The show, a Collaboraction world premiere conceived and directed by Anthony Moseley, couples nonfiction source material such as interviews, articles, and online comments with three true Chicago crimes to raise critical questions surrounding segregation, poverty, the news media, popular culture, and our numbness to it all.
Crime Scene: A Chicago Anthology features immersive staging, audience participation and stylized dramatizations of three real Chicago crimes:
The 2000 mistaken identity killing of Orlando Patterson, a 12 year old boy playing ball in front of his house in the 6900 block of South Perry Avenue
The attack on 13-year-old Lenard Clark by white youth in Bridgeport, leaving him in a coma
The savage beating of Stacy Jurich and Natasha McShane just blocks from Collaboraction in Wicker Park in 2010
Crime Scene: A Chicago Anthology, will run Feb. 14- March 10, 2013 at Collaboraction on the 3rd floor of the Flat Iron Arts Building, 1579 N. Milwaukee Ave in Wicker Park. Press Opening is Monday, February 18 at 7pm. Show times are Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 pm, and Sunday at 7 pm. No show Thursday, Feb. 21. There is an added Industry Night Monday, March 4 at 7 pm. Tickets are $25; $15 for students, educators and industry. Purchase tickets online at or call 312.226.9633.
Crime Scene: A Chicago Anthology will run approximately 75 minutes, followed each night by a facilitated discussion. The show is recommended for ages 15 and up due to violence and mature content.