The 25th Annual Chicago's Biggest Liar Contest will take place at The Ravenswood United Church of Christ (2050 W Pensacola) tonight, May 3 at 7pm. Eleven of the city's most skilled storytellers will unleash their tallest tales and biggest whoppers in a Battle Royale of Bullshit for the legendary Hogwashe Cup. The city's only tall tale competition promises ridiculous surprises, top secret special guests, and lies of all sizes throughout the evening.
Two years ago, the 43rd Annual Chicago's Biggest Liar Contest was held at Herdegen-Brieske Funeral Home in Lakeview. However, after a variety of mysterious tragedies (cartwheel accident, chipmunk bites) beset the last crop of contestants, the producers decided to move the event to a venue where the liars would be better shielded from their own sins. Don Hall, WBEZ Live Events Director and host of the Haymarket Moth Slam, returns to defend his title against these bald-faced liars: Archy Jamjun, Recent Moth Slam winner; Marta Lee, Social worker and stand-up comic; GPA, Best-selling poet and radio host; Jason Lindner, Yale Drama grad and Chicago actor; Craig Fitzgerald, Miami's self-proclaimed worst dancer; Adam Ziemkiewicz, Yoga enthusiast and writer; Joe Janes, Emmy-award winning writer and Second City instructor; Angela Vela, Stand-up comedian and host of Seven Deadly Sins; Oba King, 30-year professional storyteller; Karen Genelly, Retired CPS teacher and world travelerThe evening's host is The Reverend P. Initial Brennan, who has cut short his ongoing missionary work in Orlando to join the event. Music will be provided by music director/organist David Boyle and The Pants on Fire Choir lead by Maxwell Dykla.
The winner will be decided by the combination of audience voting and the judgment of a Panel of Faith. Judges on the panel include Dennis Holtschneider (President of DePaul University), Ravenswood UCC's Pastor Jason Coulter, and also a local rabbi, Wiccan priestess, and Buddhist monk yet to be named.
Tickets are $19.43, in honor of the first year the contest took place. Aldermen, state representatives, and mayors receive free admission with proof of employment.
The 25th Annual Chicago's Biggest Liar Contest is produced by the people behind This Much Is True and Story Lab Chicago, two of Chicago's longest running monthly storytelling series.
For tickets and information, visit