CDHP remains dedicated to documenting and presenting Chicago dance histories, especially at such an historic moment.
They have announced that they are creating a Dancing Under Quarantine Collection - their first community-sourced, digitally assembled collection of materials that aims to honor all the various ways in which we continue to survive, create, and connect with our communities.
People are encouraged to donate digital dancing artifacts - recorded events such as classes, panel discussions, performances, or other virtual gatherings, written thoughts, living room dances, photographs, e-blasts - whatever represents you and your reality at this time.
Please send submissions to with as much contextual information as possible. Use "Dancing Under Quarantine" as the subject line.
This will take time, but rather than wait until everything is done, the company will publish updates periodically as a work-in-progress in the interest of sharing as much information as quickly as possible.
The newest component is CDHP ENCORES, selections of archival performance footage sourced from the Chicago dance community.
Currently available:
If you'd like to get involved, please contact