Celebrate Shakespeare's birthday with Talk Like Shakespeare Day -- a day when everyone gets to be a Lord or Lady... or a Fool! -- today, April 23, 2013, Shakespeare's 449th Birthday.
- Instead of you, say thou or thee (and instead of y'all, say ye).
- Rhymed couplets are all the rage.- Men are Sirrah, ladies are Mistress, and your friends are all called Cousin.- Instead of cursing, try calling your tormenters jackanapes or canker-blossoms or poisonous bunch-back'd toads.- Don't waste time saying "it," just use the letter "t" ('tis, t'will, I'll do't).- Verse for lovers, prose for ruffians, songs for clowns.- When in doubt, add the letters "eth" to the end of verbs (he runneth, he trippeth, he falleth).- To add weight to your opinions, try starting them with methinks, mayhaps, in sooth or wherefore.- When wooing ladies: try comparing her to a summer's day. If that fails, say "Get thee to a nunnery!"Visit www.talklikeshakespeare.org to learn more about the day and ways to celebrate.
Pictured: "Sonnet" © 2002 by Ed Paschke (1939-2004), courtesy Maya Polsky Gallery. On permanent display at Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier.