Three Cat Productions presents the world premiere production of the Barbara Well's DEATH IN A BEULAH BOX at the Chicago Park District's Berger Park Coach House Theater at 6205 N. Sheridan Road (Edgewater by Granville el stop on Red Line).
The place -- a "beulah box", the ubiquitous raggedy beauty salon of Chicago's South Side. The people -- three "transplants," or African Americans who have escaped to the queer-friendly North Side. What draws each back here, to the dangerous place where they grew up? DEATH IN A BEULAH BOX is a pressure cooker of the psychological wounds of racism, and how African Americans' choices over healing those wounds, or not, pit them against each another.
The cast includes Kimberly Banks as Carol, Jeff Broitman as Death, Basha Evans as 20, and Watson Swift as Luis.
DEATH IN A BEULAH BOX is written by Barbara Wells. Wells is a Chicago based writer. Her participatory plays for young audiences The Copy Cat Capers toured for three months under the direction of Temme Gilbert, producer of Hoop Dreams. Wells has written several short plays, full-length plays, and screenplays and produced several workshops. She was commissioned by The United Negro College Fund to write, direct, and workshop a play which was performed at McCormick Place. The winner of multiple grants and matching grants which includes Illinois Arts Council, Chicago CAAP grants.
The play is directed by Jason Paul Smith, Three Cat Productions, Artistic Director. Resident Stage Manager is Jess Koster. Resident Lighting and Set Designer is Pat Henderson.
The regular run is tonight, November 4, through November 29. Thursdays at 7:30pm, Fridays at 7:30pm, Saturdays at 4:00pm AND 7:30pm and Sunday matinees at 3:00pm at the Berger Park Coach House Theater at 6205 N. Sheridan in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. Doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain. Tickets are $25 each for all performances. Tickets can be purchased on our website at or via phone at 312.970.9840.
Street parking (paybox until 9pm) is available on Granville, side streets, and Broadway (Handicapped and a limited parking is available. Please call the box office for special parking arrangements).
As Chicago's artist incubator, Three Cat Production's mission is to nurture artists. We provide opportunities, facilities, experiences, and creative relationships that foster their growth. Three Cat strives to reach diverse artists from as many disciplines as possible, under the umbrella of a producing theater. We believe every artist has a voice and every voice deserves a chance to come into its own, regardless of social connections, experience, education, or income level.