BoHo Theatre brings to life Prospero's fascinating tale in a way that will have audiences talking and thinking as they leave the theatre.
The seas are rough beyond compare. When thunder booms and lightning strikes, winds churn the sea into a terrible fury that imperils a fleet of ships belonging to King Alonso. As a strange, fiery light illumines the ship, the king and his company jump overboard and drift to a nearby island. Prospero, ruler of the island (and a man of magic) created this storm to bring the king to this island and settle an old score.BoHo takes on The Tempest by asking some interesting and exciting questions ... is Prospero really a magician? Does he has the powers he thinks he does ? What if, guided by Shakespeare's brilliant text, we show Prospero to not be in quite the position he thought himself to be?The Tempest is considered to be Shakespeare's last work for the stage. It is a romance piece adorned with tragic mythical and fairy tale elements. It is those elements that enticed BoHo to take on the piece with a completely new vision for it. Using the confused fragments of reality and fantasy to bring The Tempest into a whole new setting and context, all the while adhering to the heart and soul of the stunning original piece.Preview:
Friday, July 24, 2009 at 8:00
Closing: Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tickets: Call the box office at 866-811-4111Cost: $17-$20