Rumor has it, a great night out with new friends!
Picture it, an anniversary party with your dear friends, all dressed up with your spouse, and everything is not quite right. Town Square Players of Woodstock offers us a chance to escape our realities and join Neil Simon on the wildly hilarious ride known as "Rumors".
From the moment we see the curtain open we feel the night will be hosted by elegant celebration. Every detail down to the luxurious furniture in this Sneden Landing, NY home allows you to jump into the lives of Myra and Charlie Brock. Directed by Roger Zawacki it's clear he hit the jackpot with this cast. The minute Chris Gorman, played by Elizabeth Zimmerman, hits the stage we know the night is at high stakes. She is dressed in a gorgeous evening gown but her hysterics and interaction with husband Ken, played by Jim Ludstrom, have you asking in the first two minutes what has happened at this home.
As the cast unveils each character we understand quickly what the genre "farce is all about". From the running up and down stairs to hide this secret and that to the lies that quickly fly out of the mouths of each character had us laughing at every turn. This ensemble piece including also; Karen Cook, Ari Cohen, Angie Kells, David Gasior, Tania Joy Gibson, Trevor Wilson, Alex Frayer, and Suzanne Stalker was perfectly cast by Zawacki. The trust between each cast member and risks that are taken were amazing. How they keep straight faces during this 2 hour show is a feat in and of itself.
Playing at the iconic Woodstock Opera House through June 25th is an evening out not to be missed.