Once upon a time, in a magical place called the Windy City, a crew of plucky, frisky, outspoken princesses arrived to grace the land with some serious girl power. From May 10 through June 5 at Chicago's Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place, audiences will come face-to-face with fairytale characters who have a bone to pick; they'd like to give you details on how their 'happily ever after' really went down. Actress and improviser Miriam Drysdale discusses how DISENCHANTED! brings classic storybook royals to a 21st century audience in our exclusive interview.
Chicago audiences are seeing this critically-acclaimed musical for the very first time! The show had a great run at the International Fringe Festival in Orlando, back in 2011, as well as successful productions across the globe. What's the big hype?
This show is so funny and so smart. Audiences are going to get a grown-up spin on the fairytales they grew up hearing. The world is continuing to evolve and women--even today--are fighting to be heard. This musical is not only a super fun way of retelling these stories, but it seeks to break the myth that women have to act a certain way to be perceived as beautiful, successful or happy. It's great fun for everyone but it really speaks to women. It breaks down some of the negative messages we took from these tales as children.Let's talk about your background. You're basically a quintuple threat! You act, sing, write, do improv and are a puppeteer. How did you get into performing? And how do you balance it all?
I studied at Randolph Academy, which has a 'triple threat' training program. It taught me so much. Then, I was able to go to Second City in Toronto and really find my niche in improv. I was totally immersed in an awesome comedy community, where I was pushed to be better and encouraged; it became a comfortable home. I also got to witness (and perform with!) some epic comedic talent. Being there really helped further all of what I'd learned studying musical theater. Today, I consider singing my first love and comedy my second love. When both are melted together, my heart is full. Who is your biggest comedic inspiration?Funnily enough it's more of a "what" than a "who". My earliest memory of really understanding humor was while watching The Simpsons growing up. I still draw inspiration.
When you're not living the dream of playing the best princesses ever, what can we find you doing? Any crazy hobbies?
DISENCHANTED! is enchanting audiences at the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place from May 10 - June 5, as part of Broadway in Chicago's current season. For more details and ticket information, click here.
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