Arcas Productions presents a new action theatre adaptation of BEOWULF, the classic epic poem. Tonight, May 31 through June 10 at Studio BE (3110 N. Sheffield Ave.). Performances are Thursdays through Sundays at 7:30 p.m.
BEOWULF blurs the lines between poetry and movement, dance and combat, man and monster to tell this classic story as never before. Director Jeff Lynch is developing a dynamic new stage combat approach, drawing influence from video games and comics, in BEOWULF. The ensemble cast will bring the poem to life on stage using a verse translation to compliment continuous movement.
Lynch says, “The poetry is the score for the movement. It's like choreographing to live accompaniment."
Founded in 2011, Arcas Productions exists to promote a healthy male body image through theatre and dance. With their production of BEOWULF, they will be challenging preconceptions of what it means to be a hero and a man. They have also produced FurrLesque, a Midwest touring burlesque show featuring men of all shapes and sizes.
Tickets start at $20 and can be purchased online at
For more information about Arcas Productions please visit