Amazing Sammo Productions will round out its 2014 season at Gorilla Tango Bucktown with comedic variety show, "Sam and Mickey Are Friends: FRIENDISIMO!" Performances will run Fridays and Saturdays October 10 through October 18, 2014 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at or by calling 773-598-4549. All performances take place at Gorilla Tango Bucktown, 1919 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647.
Veteran Chicago performers Sam Radom and Mickey Bravo once again return to lead this madcap cast and crew in this familiar yet fresh tale of artistic expression that hits every bump along the way to performance. Dancing ladies, goofy puppets, and comic mischief are king this October, with a stellar supporting cast of seasoned comedic and improvisational actors on board.
"Sam and Mickey Are Friends: FRIENDISIMO!" stars Samuel Radom and Mickey Bravo and features Jason Fura, Joseph Schmidt, Jacob Roush, Mark Olson, and Claudia Pezzarosi. Puppet performer Leah Martin and new talent Ashley Labanic, Sarah McCarten, and Meg Goins are also featured.