Adventure Stage Chicago (ASC) presents the final play in this season's New Play Workshop Series: a reading of Jeanne DuPrau's The City of Ember, adapted by ASC ensemble member and Director of Education Merissa Shunk.
Lights shine in the city of Ember - but at the city limits the light ends, and darkness takes over. Out there in the Unknown Regions, the darkness goes on forever in all directions. Ember - so its people believe - is the only light in the dark world. And now...the lights are going out. Is there a way to save the people of Ember? Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow set out on a quest to try.
ASC's New Play Workshop Series is an opportunity for our audience to gain a sneak peek at and share their thoughts on new plays we are considering for full production in a future season. The audience is encouraged to remain after the reading for a talkback with the director and cast. The City of Ember reading is directed by ASC ensemble member Sarah Rose Graber.Merissa Shunk (playwright) has been with Adventure Stage Chicago since 2007 as the Director of Education. Before moving to Chicago she lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand as a Peace Corps Volunteer. She is originally from sunny California where she studied theatre, taught theatre, and studied how to teach theatre at UCLA and Santa Clara University. She has freelanced as a curriculum writer and teaching artist for the Silk Road Theater Project, is the Fine Arts Curriculum Advisor at Rowe Elementary School, and has been a mentor (Drama Mama) in Redmoon Theater's Mentoring program, Drama Girls. In fall of 2008 she co-founded the Chicago Arts Educator Forum and also serves on the board of the Illinois Theatre Association.
The City of Ember is presented on Sunday, July 18 at 1:00pm at Vittum Theater, 1012 N. Noble Street, Chicago. Refreshments will be provided. Admission is free, but reservations are strongly encouraged. Call 773-342-4141 for reservations. For more information on Adventure Stage Chicago, please visit our website at