Directed by Neil Verma and collectively conceived by Brett Neveu, Neil Verma, Matthew Muñiz, Ele Matelan, Rich Sparks, and Frankie Pedersen.
A Red Orchid Theatre presents American Bottom, an experimental audio book directed by Neil Verma and collectively conceived by Brett Neveu, Neil Verma, Matthew Muñiz, Ele Matelan, Rich Sparks, and Frankie Pedersen. American Bottom runs June 2-27, 2021.
This multi-disciplinary art piece inspired by the geographical area of southern Illinois called American Bottom begins life here as an experimental audio fiction, written in verse, performed by a full cast, and featuring original music and illustrations. Kevin disappeared in rural Illinois near the site of the Cahokia Mounds. American Bottom follows the thoughts of the people who knew him; unearthing the many layers of life and story connected to the place he called home.
Artistic Director Kirsten Fitzgerald shares, "I am enthralled by not only the art but also the process of American Bottom. One of the things I love most about live theatre, and in particular live theatre at A Red Orchid, is the sense that there is no final "locked" product. Discovery is expected (encouraged even) throughout a run. Yes, the words are the same and our feet and physicality land in choreographed places but no two shows are ever exactly alike. American Bottom is a living document of sorts. The experience of making this audio iteration will feed or inform the iterations to come, be they recorded, live, or other. As with live theatre, the give and take between artists is deepened as we add the give and take with audience.
Ensemble Brett Neveu, who wrote the text for American Bottom, spoke about the collaborative project, "American Bottom (the name of a lowland region of southern Illinois) is a story that is written like a 'found text epic poem' which culls together individual tales and images of the American Bottom region, including its small towns, side roads, as well as the center of the area - the ancient indigenous city of Cahokia and its breathtaking earth mounds. I collaborated with an amazing group of artists, thinkers, and makers to develop and explore all that American Bottom could become (and will yet be). This exciting sound/visual iteration of the piece is an experience that holds many mysteries, stories, and dreams."
Tickets for the virtual production can be purchased at